
Introduction to Sleepover Adventure Parent Guides

Every Sleepover Adventure Book comes with a Parent Guide with a few tips, discussion questions and activities to make the story even more fun and meaningful. We’ve decided to share all the guides with you in a series of posts here in the blog, so you can see tips to go along with all 52 different stories.

The story is fun to read straight through on its own, and many parents have their own storytelling techniques.

However, if you want more tips on storytelling and how to enjoy the activities, the guide is there for you. Discussion questions focus your child’s attention and spark imagination. The extended activities include everything from simple games to arts and crafts to field trips. They might even inspire you to come up with new activities!

Enjoy the adventure! There’s no limit to where imagination will take you.

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Wizard Within turns personalized books into fun adventures with cool activities and parent guides!

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Wizard Within

Wizard Within turns personalized books into fun adventures with cool activities and parent guides!

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